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With it's roots deep in the Spanish Rancho days, Bolsa came to be in the early 1870s, with the breakup of the great ranchos. Four corners marked the hamlet of Bolsa, with a school, store, church and a dairy to indicate there was a town here. Although the livelihood of the people changed from cattle to crops, they always referred to their farms as ranches, using horses and mules to work the fields into the 1920s. Those crops changed over time, from celery to sugar beets to beans & peppers, because of the depletion of the soil. For over 30 years after 1920, Bolsa became nationally famous for the largest airplane, the largest plow, the fastest dragster, and many other technological innovations. Quite a history from just a small farming community in California.


6 x 9 inches
175 Photographs; 148 pages
ISBN: 1-891030-38-8
Leather Hardcover


Story of the
Town of Bolsa
Established in 1870

Douglas Paul Westfall

Edited by
Martin Erlich

The Story of the Town of Bolsa, is the tale of a small farming community in the heart of Southern California.

“From simple beginnings in the 1870s as a small farming community, to its quiet disappearance into modern development a century later, Bolsa remains in the hearts of the residents that once lived here. Named from the great 41,568 acre Rancho Las Bolsas upon which it sits, Bolsa is centered within the old rancho's boundaries. It was always to be ranch and farming land.”

"Bolsa was one of the many farming communities to rise up out of the vast Spanish ranchos that once covered Southern California. Although it remained a small town - barely on the map - it became renowned for several world records in technology."

-- Douglas Westfall, Author

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