Dickinson lived and died at the house in which she was born in
Amherst, Massachusetts...one of the most gifted poets in
American literature...wrote poetry for the remainder of her
life...between 1858 and 1865 she wrote over a thousand
poems...in her life...1,775...
5 x 8
40 poems; 48 illustrations; 122 pages with poetry index
ISBN 1-891030-22-1
Life of Emily Dickinson
Douglas Westfall
re-visiting of Emily's beloved Homestead through Miss
Harris's anniversary tour is for me a return to creative
essentials...the miracles of Emily's mind and heart are
still being revealed."
William Luce, Playwrite |
came toward me with two day-lilies, which she put in a
childlike way into my hand, saying softly, under her
breath, `These are my introduction,' and adding, also,
under her breath, in childlike fashion, `Forgive me if I
am frightened; I never see strangers, and hardly know
what I say.'
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, editor |
Special Limited Edition
Published for the 25th Anniversary
Theater Run of 'The Belle of Amherst'
By William Luce