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My American History


American Civil War - Army

-- Promises to Keep --

This is the Story of
a Civil War soldier,
a re-enactor,
and the President
of the United States.


For someone with a passionate interest in the Civil War, being a re-enactor is usually enough. But when real visions of the war haunt the dreams and shatter the life of a Boston paralegal and devoted family man, playing at being a soldier will never be the same again.

Mike Barry's family, his world, and work are threatened by desperate pleas from the spirit of a Union veteran. A man who died in agony at Petersburg Virginia in 1864 begs Barry to find a priceless lost document, clear his name, and restore his honor. But the document is valued by others. To protect a dark secret or to sell to the highest bidder.

Barry must race against time to sift the dusty mysteries of the past, preserve his family, and evade ruthless adversaries to bring to light an unknown encounter between a soldier and his president.



Promises To Keep
A Civil War Mystery Novel
By Mark Carlson

6 x 9 EBook
516 Pages
A modern tale of a Civil War Re-enactor,
a valuable historical document,
and a Civil War mystery.

ISBN: 978-1-891030-91-8


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