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Recollections of the Fire, is the second book in a series of republications on San Francisco’s 1906 Earthquake and Fire. Essentially a 1927 memoir of James Byrne, it was originally reprinted from issues of The Argonaut, of November 27, December 4, and December 11, of 1926.

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5½ x 8½ inches
20 Illustrations; 54 pages
ISBN: 1-89-1030-61-2
$12.00 Softbound

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Recollections of the Fire
San Francisco’s 1906 Earthquake and Fire

James W. Byrne

Recollections of the Fire, is James W. Byrne’s personal memoir of San Francisco’s 1906 Earthquake & Fire, first published in the 1920s. From his escape at the Palace Hotel, to the rescue of his Mother’s valuables, his story is filled with detail and pathos. An excellent story for the entire family, Recollections is delightfully illustrated by artist Junius Cravens.

A First Person Account of the Earthquake and Fire.

"Looking out of the Market Street window I could see no building in the vicinity that had collapsed or seemed to be seriously damaged. Some bricks had fallen, chiefly from the cornices and fire walls at the top of buildings and were littered along the sidewalks. Practically none of this debris, however, spread out as far as the thoroughfare, and there was nothing in sight to convey the impression that the community had suffered a great catastrophe.”

-- James W. Byrne

For more books on San Francisco's 1906 Earthquake & Fire

San Francisco Earthquake Book

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