My American History

Historic Novel |
The Middle Eastern
-- Army -- |
-- Tehran Terror --
Tehran Terror is the second in the series of memoirs
from Major Susan Robertson, US Army. The story presents the reader with historical
accounts that have taken place in Iran including the wave of
nationalism that engulfs eastern Kurdistan, as revolts across
the country indicate a full scale rebellion is imminent. A
combination of Persian culture, history, politics,
violence, sex, adventure and fantasy,
in an enticing and
exciting combination.

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Tehran Terror
The Second
By Debbie
From the Memoirs of
Major Susan Robertson
6 x 9 EBook
174 Pages
An Iraqi Army officer rescues the wife of a rich
American oil tycoon during the Iraq-Iran War. They begin a quest
to prevent Saddam from launching long-range missiles with Ebola
ISBN: 978-1-891030-91-8

-- Tehran
Terror --
the memoirs of Major Susan Robertson
Debbie Roberts
This is the story of a young woman Army Officer who is
a scholar of
ancient Archaeology. In 539 BC after being freed by Cyrus the
Great from Babylonian Captivity, the Jews founded the city of
Esfahan. The tomb of the Hebrew prophet, Isaiah is housed in the
ancient city and Isfahan became one of the largest cities in the
This is the story of
a woman Army officer -- who's husband is
in Iran on
a shady
oil deal.
An engineer from an arm of the Iranian military
called, Iran Aircraft Industries, a group that procures technology
for weapons of mass destruction, approaches them. His goal is to
repair the arsenals of Iranian planes. Since the Islamic revolution,
the U.S. has refused to sell spare parts to Iran
and arrests Americans selling the banned parts.

Arms dealers develop hard, painful, burning lumps under their
arms and inner thighs. The mysterious modules are as large as
oranges. They turn black and begin to ooze pus. Death comes
quickly. Major Robertson knows her history very well. She
the deadly disease --
bacterium, Yersina Pestis
-- the Black Plague.

Click for more info -- |
Tehran Terror
The Second
By Debbie
From the Memoirs of
Major Susan Robertson
6 x 9 EBook
174 Pages
An Iraqi Army officer rescues the wife of a rich
American oil tycoon during the Iraq-Iran War. They begin a quest
to prevent Saddam from launching long-range missiles with Ebola
ISBN: 978-1-891030-91-8
More books by Dr. Debbie Roberts

Dr. Debbie Roberts is an expert in Middle
Eastern cultural and political affairs. Her knowledge, training,
and experience in the U.S. military have provided her with the
background to give readers a rich understanding of events that
have taken place in the region. Her close interaction living
among the people in the region has given her a unique insight
into Middle Eastern culture.
-- Issa Nimr Melhem,Iraqi Army Colonel .
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