My American History

Historic Novel |
The Middle Eastern
-- Army -- |
-- Iraqi Warrior --
Iraqi Warrior presents the reader with historical
accounts that have taken place in Iraq including the current
takeover of ISIL militants, going back to the Iran-Iraq War. A
combination of Middle Eastern culture, history, politics,
violence, sex, adventure and fantasy, in an enticing and
exhilarating combination.

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Iraqi Warrior
By Debbie
From the Memoirs of
Major Susan Robertson
6 x 9 EBook
174 Pages
An Arab American Iraqi Army deserter, living in Los Angeles,
threatens to kill his wife and abduct their son to the Middle
East — while that U.S. Army officer remembers a time ... before
were enemies.
ISBN: 978-1-891030-99-4

-- Iraqi
Warrior --
the memoirs of Major Susan Robertson
Debbie Roberts
This is the story of a young woman Army Officer who is in
the right place at the wrong time -- to see the devastation of
the attack on the Kurds of Northern Iraq -- prior
to Desert Storm, during the war in Iraq, Desert Thunder, and after the Attack of
the World Trade Towers during 9/11.
This is the Story of
a woman Army officer -- who meets her future husband after a
brutal attack in Iraq.
Recalling her
journey as a U.S. Army Press Director to the Iraqi town of Halabja in
1988, she witnesses the aftermath of the brutal chemical
weapons attacks on Kurdish civilians.

From a distance, she sees an
Iraqi Army officer collecting the corpses. Unknown to her at the
time, he would become an intimate part of her life.

Click for more info -- |
Iraqi Warrior
By Debbie
From the Memoirs of
Major Susan Robertson
6 x 9 EBook
174 Pages
An Arab American Iraqi Army deserter, living in Los Angeles,
threatens to kill his wife and abduct their son to the Middle
East — while that U.S. Army officer remembers a time ... before
were enemies.
ISBN: 978-1-891030-99-4

Dr. Debbie Roberts completed her dissertation research under
the direction of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan. Her
involvement in the United Nations Development Fund for Women
provided her with opportunities to meet numerous leaders in the
region, such as King Hussein of Jordan, Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein, Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and ambassadors
of five Middle Eastern countries.
-- Issa Nimr Melhem,Iraqi Army Colonel
This is the story of a young woman Army
Officer who is in the right place at the wrong time -- to see
the devastation of Saddam Hussein's attack on the Kurds of
Northern Iraq -- prior to Desert Storm, during Desert Thunder,
and after the Attack of the World Trade Towers during 9/11.
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